
The approximate solution of the equation by using

matlab 中用 牛顿法 方程 近似

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中文说明:应用背景 % Newton Method % The first parameter fx is a external function with respect to viable x. % The second parameter dfx is the first order diffential function of fx. % x0 is initial iteration point.即解附近的一个值 % tol is the tolerance of the loop. 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报 打分 发表评论 暂无评论 0 粉丝 0 发布 0 获赞 关注 查看主页 matlab中用牛顿法方程近似 相关源码推荐 LMS均衡 0 0 暂无评分Insar 剪枝法相位解缠 0 0 暂无评分时间插值计算 0 0 暂无评分利用Matlab工具箱仿真FMCW信号 0 0 暂无评分PCNN_nsct图像融合算法 0 0 暂无评分 介绍信息预览(0条)评论打分

English Description:

Application backgroundMethod NewtonFirst The parameter FX is a external function with respect to viable X.Second parameter The DFX is the first order of function diffential fx.Is initial iteration point. x0 is a value for the solution.Is the tolerance of the loop. tolIs the maximum number of iterations. NKey TechnologyWhen using Newton method, it often includes two steps: the first step is to obtain approximate solutions with a global method (such as the drawing method); the second step is to obtain the exact solution with the accuracy required by Newton method.        for example, the maximum value of y= (0.65-0.01*x) -0.45*x (0.025*x) 2*exp (x/40) x> /20 (200*exp) * (9*x) * () * (x 0) is obtained. F=0 - 2*exp (EXP) - (x/40 - 65) - (x -) - - /20 () - (x/40) - 9/20 (f) - () - () - () - () - () - f=  () - result=newton1 (dfdx) -   (19.5,0.000001,10), it is not easy to obtain analytical solutions.
